Timelines: January 13, 1999
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Obviously Adnan and Jay have different memories of Jan. 13, 1999. This graphic lays out the details of those differences.
Adnan never testified at his trial, but we can cobble together a timeline of his version of Jan. 13 from Sarah’s interviews, his class schedule, detectives' notes of interviews with his teachers, and witness testimony. You’ll see that in the second column, to the right of the call log.
Jay, on the other hand, had to recount the events of that day numerous times for the police and prosecutors. The graphic includes three of the timelines Jay described: his first taped statement to the detectives, his second taped statement to the detectives, and his testimony at the second trial. Some of the details in his version shifted around from statement to statement, though - as Prosecutor Kevin Urick pointed out - the main points remained consistent over time. In all of Jay's versions, there are points in his story that are simply impossible from a timing perspective. So you'll see places in those timelines where the approximate times don't add up with the times that Jay has given or that we can determine from the call log.
The black timestamps are entries where we can calculate specific times based on Jay’s statement, Adnan's class schedule, or the call log. The entries labeled “Approximate time” are times we’ve calculated based on Jay's memory of how long it took to get places or our own understanding of how long it takes to get around Baltimore County. The “No timestamp” entries are for the movements when Jay wasn’t specific enough for us to make a calculation. You can click on those little note icons to read more about certain timestamps.