This is the place where we'll collect all the visual stuff in this story - maps, timelines, and a few pertinent documents that might pique your interest. You can click on each one to see it at a much friendlier size.
Season OneFall 2014
Ja’uan Gordon Interview, April 9, 1999
Detectives’ notes from an interview with Adnan’s friend Ja’uan Gordon.
This is the first letter Asia wrote to Adnan right after he was arrested. In it, she describes talking to him in the library on the afternoon that Hae disappeared.
The cover sheet AT&T included with Adnan’s cell records had a disclaimer on it, which said “Any incoming calls will NOT be reliable information for location.”
Asia wrote this affidavit after hearing prosecutor Kevin Urick on Serial. She reaffirms that she saw Adnan in the library on the day Hae disappeared. Asia says she decided not to testify at Adnan’s original post-conviction hearing in 2012, after a phone conversation she had with Urick.
Asia's Notes From a Call With the Prosecutor, 2010
Asia McClain didn’t testify about her alibi affidavit in Adnan’s first post-conviction hearing in 2010. She says prior to the hearing, she contacted prosecutor Kevin Urick to ask him about the case and he gave her the impression Adnan was certainly guilty so she decided not to get involved. These are the notes Asia says she took from that phone call. Brown in the “Brown is BS” comment, is Adnan’s current lawyer, C. Justin Brown.
Possible timelines of the events of January 13, 1999, based on Adnan's memory, court records, and three of Jay's statements: his first two recorded statements to the police and his testimony at the second trial.
In the case file, this hand-drawn map follows the detectives' notes on their interview with Ja'uan. We presume he was showing them where he and Adnan parked the day they went to Best Buy to smoke weed.
This is a map of the key locations in the story and the cell towers that were triggered by Adnan's cell phone on January 13, 1999.
Evidence Map
Map of the gravesite and the locations where the police found evidence. The key is hard to read, so we circled the evidence and added some annotations explaining what each object is.