Introducing Serial
Hello everyone,
Big news: we’re launching Serial on Friday, October 3rd.
You can get Episodes 1 ("The Alibi") and 2 ("The Breakup") here or on various audio platforms, including iTunes (subscribe here) that day at 10am ET. The first episode will also air on This American Life the same day. If you want a preview, click on the play button at the top of the page, or subscribe in iTunes. You can also read more about the story directly below this post.
As the season unfolds, we’ll be adding extras in this space: curious tangents I can't fit into the podcast, plus timelines, people maps, diagrams - and photos, like the one above, of Adnan in his football uniform. This would have been the fall of his senior year, right before Hae Min Lee went missing. Adnan's picture didn't appear in the 1999 yearbook along with the rest of his class (he was in jail awaiting trial when it went to press), but one picture of him did slip in, in the group shot of the football team.
But back to business: Please check back periodically for updates. The most recent post will show up on the front page, and you can get to all of them by clicking "See All" or "Posts" in the menu.
This murder story we've been working on, it's captivated all of us at Serial for a year. Once we started looking into it, we realized the story was so much messier and more complicated -- and more interesting -- than what the jury got to hear. We hope you’ll get sucked in the way we have.
If you have any urgent questions, you can email us. Otherwise, we'll be back on October 3rd.